Sneha Adatia OsteopathOsteopathy in Northwood, North West London

Terms and Conditions

I understand that a full case history including a medical history will be recorded in writing during an Osteopathic Consultation. I consent to the case history being made to any substitute or locum Osteopath if necessary for the purpose of my treatment. [Please note, personal information and case notes are held in a secure manner and information contained in them is not shared or passed onto anyone including family members without prior consent].

I understand that for diagnostic purposes, I will need to be physically examined by the Osteopath which may require undressing down to my underwear. I consent to this and being examined by the Osteopath.

I understand that my Osteopath may use anonymous data for the purpose of Medical audit to help improve Osteopathic care and practice.

I understand that if I cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours notice that I may be charged the fee in full.

Osteopathy is a safe, effective and non invasive method of treatment. However, it is important that health care professionals gain consent from every Patient. Although risks are minimal, it is important to understand the potential risk involved with some of the techniques. However, dependant on the diagnosis and the presenting condition these will be discussed with you.

I appreciate no results are guaranteed, and consent to the performance of Osteopathic care and understand I can withdraw consent at any time.

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